
For your Productivity

Protutiker offers all the necessary services for the successful implementation of the PQM system and to increase customers productivity:


Situation analysis




• Produtiker has a deep knowledge of industrial processes.

• This knowledge is used for the correct application of the system.

• Produtiker specialists help and support throughout the implantation process.

• A pack of hours is offered with the product to guarantee the success of the process.

• If desired, a maintenance service is also included where Produtiker analyzes the system data and help make the best decisions.

With the data of the system and with the knowledge of Produtiker, interesting reports can be obtained that help clients in making decisions.

For example:

• What can be a good future investment or make an additional assessment of an investment intention.

• Determine which are the most profitable activities. Which not.

• Determine if it is interesting to change productive hours, shift changes, strengthen some sections and subcontract others.

• Determine periods where you are interested in taking more orders. For this, it may be interesting to lower the price to the established limit.

• Determine periods of high load where it may be interesting to outsource, or better try to delay some jobs.

• Anticipate the future months before to define vacations, new resources, shift changes.

• Etc.

Situation analysis

• At the beginning of the process, a complete report of the initial situation of the production status is made.

• This report is critical to the successful implementation of the method.

• The steps to follow and the planning for implementation are outlined.


• A training service is offered together with the implementation of the system.

• This training is given mainly by videoconference, although it can also be face-to-face.

• This training is included in the package of hours offered with the system.

• System documentation will be the basis for training.

• There is no limit to the number of people who receive the training.


• Once the system is implemented, a highly personalized service is offered to clarify all doubts that may arise in its use.

• To guarantee a fast service, preferably it will be accessed by videoconference. Also in extreme cases it can be face-to-face.

• This channel can also be used for suggestions for improvement or future needs.

• Produtiker always tries to be the client's partner for everything they need.